Monday, 18 May 2009

awful poetry


first i will kiss you as if it's going out of fashion
like there's a discount at my favourite store and I am
launching myself down the aisles with great passion
then i am going to scoop you into my arms like
discarded nineties garments and hold you tightly
because all the other offers mean nothing to me.
This poem is one giant cliche the words are nothing
if not painstakingly arranged but feel free to
read my label and believe that I am not
interested in an exchange, that I am
completely dedicated to this cause,
of a love ......... so intense
it is not avaliale in stores.

* * * * *

I'm going through a phase of writing shit poetry
and posting it on the internets where anyone can
see it, then feeling really uncomfortable and
embarrassed. It's odd. I feel masochistic.


. said...

take off your clothes